2 new crossings to Corsica

2 new crossings to Corsica: Nice-Porto Vecchio and Toulon-Porto Vecchio !
And an ever growing frequency! Up to 30 ferry crossings per day between the mainland and Corsica: Nice, Toulon, Savona, Piombino et Livorno to Ajaccio, Bastia, Calvi, Ile Rousse und Porto Vecchio.
Corsica Ferries means a schedule for all needs: a large range of times offer crossings day and night between Corsica and the mainland..

Book your ferry ticket to Corsica

Your ferry crossing

restauration à bord de Corsica Ferries
Mega express Corsica Ferries
Traversée ferry Corse
Cabine pour la traversée ferry Corse
Cabine pour le voyage en ferry